Soil Health & Fertility
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Regreening Africa’s landscape – Trees as natural fertiliser
Trees such as Faidherbia albida are planted in fields or pastures as natural fertilizer. In Zambia more than 160,000 farmers plant Faidherbia trees in their fields. Farmers in Niger have been able to make more than 4.8m hectares of land greener and more fertile, thanks to #EverGreenAgriculture. Click here to learn more Continue Reading
Bring back our trees: the forest communities fighting climate change
“A decade ago this land was dismissed as lost to the desert,” said ecologist Mamadou Diakite. He was smiling beneath the shade of a tree, one of hundreds growing vigorously all around him on land previously abandoned by local millet farmers. The growth of these trees, and hundreds of millions more in a remote region […] Continue Reading
A eureka moment for the planet: we’re finally planting trees again
China plans to plant forests the size of Ireland. Latin American countries have pledged to restore 20m hectares of degraded forest and African countries more than 100m hectares. India is to plant 13m hectares, and on a single day last year 1.5 million people planted 66m trees in Madhya Pradesh alone. Trees make our lives better in unquantifiable […] Continue Reading
How climate-smart is the Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration method?
The method of restoring degraded lands efficiently contributes to climate change mitigation. Integrating trees in agricultural systems helps rural communities adapt to climate change, mitigate its impact and improve their livelihoods. Particularly for farmers in the Sahel, trees growing on agricultural land play an important role: they do not only prevent soil erosion but provide a wide range […] Continue Reading
Farmer-Managed Natural Regeneration in Kenya
This is the systematic regeneration of trees from living stumps, roots and seeds. over 5.5 million hectares in Niger, Senegal and Mali have been regenerated this way. Click here to learn more. Continue Reading
Farmer-Managed Natural Regeneration in Tanzania
This is the systematic regeneration of trees from living stumps, roots and seeds. over 5.5 million hectares in Niger, Senegal and Mali have been regenerated this way. Click here to learn more. Continue Reading