News & Blogs
Feeding a hungry world with trees
By Dennis Garrity for Agroforestry WorldOriginally published September 16, 2011[Reproduced from Reuters alertnet]A couple of decades ago, when my colleagues began urging African farmers to plant trees in the middle of their mai Continue Reading
New network to promote “Re-greening Africa”
Participants at the Beating Famine: Sustainable Food Security through Land Regeneration in a Changing Climate conference in Nairobi from 10-13 April have proposed a fifty million US dollars (USD) fund to promote agriculture and end Africa's cycle of drought and food insecurity.Click here to read more Continue Reading
The baffling simplicity of FMNR
When the pioneer of Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR), Tony Rinaudo held a workshop in Kijabe, Kenya, the invited participants from the Beating Famine conference were baffled by the simplicity of what they heard and saw. During the FMNR tour, the message was clear and simple. That the best thing to do when confronted with a barren land crying out for regreening is to simply leave it alone and just wait for trees to regenerate from remnant tree root systems. Continue Reading
Opinion: Evergreen Agriculture
An opinion piece by Jose Rene C.Gayo, vice-chairman of the Management Association of the Philippines agribusiness and countryside development committee, and dean of the MFI Farm Business School. Click here to read more. Continue Reading
Agriculture: Part of the Solution to Climate Change-World Bank Report
The World Bank cites Evergreen Agriculture as an impressive example that will bring a sustainable agricultural growth in the world. For more information, click here. Continue Reading
‘Evergreen agriculture’ could impact future biofuel composition
Research into boosting yields of cereal crops could see the feedstock used to greater extents in biofuel compositon of the future. For more information click here. Continue Reading