News & Blogs
All-Africa goal proposed for scaling-up farmer-managed natural regeneration of trees on farmland
Farmer-Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) is the fastest-growing form of EverGreen Agriculture in Africa. It is especially popular in the drylands where droughts are frequent and intense. Because it requires minimal or no cash investment, it can expand rapidly through farmer-to-farmer and village-to-village diffusion. A dramatic case in point is Niger, where more than 5 million […] Continue Reading
Project initiated to build resilient farming systems
A large-scale project that seeks to help smallholders adapt to climate change by practicing agricultural systems that integrate tree planting, rearing of livestock and crop production has begun in West Africa. the Building Resilient Agro-forestry Pastoral Systems through Participatory Action Research (BRAS-PAR) project aims to improve the understanding of farmers’ perceptions and demands by addressing […] Continue Reading
African farmers turn to climate-smart agriculture
Integrating trees, crops and livestock into farming systems translates to drought resilient, productive and sustainable systems. This innovation has drawn the attention of farmers, cultivating new trees in their farms for the purpose of providing fodder, fuel, food as well as other domestic needs. With ample training on these technologies and support from relevant institutions, […] Continue Reading
Realizing the vision of forests – how Evergreen Agriculture can contribute
The importance of forests in supporting the achievement of the new Sustainable Development Goals was a key outcome of the recent XIV World Forestry Congress held in South Africa, but how does EverGreen Agriculture fit into this vision? Key messages emerging from the Congress highlight the universally agreed upon services forests provide. For the rural […] Continue Reading
Agroforestry and fertilizer trees improve crop yields
“Evergreen Agriculture systems replenish soil fertility, provide food, fodder, timber and fuelwood, translating to greater value than that of the annual crop within the area that they occupy,” notes Dennis Garrity. The inclusion of trees in cultivated landscapes results in an average value of $1.40/year and increased dietary diversity among children in African countries. Click […] Continue Reading
Rwanda’s success story on FMNR practices
A review of World Vision’s Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) project in East Rwanda has revealed an increase in the rates of adoption from 7,500 to 13,400 smallholder farmers. The success attributed to extension agents who by word of mouth spread the word on the land generation technique has also translated to an increase in […] Continue Reading